The Wave.

Why Your UX is Bad: Common Pitfalls to Avoid in User Experience Design

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User Experience (UX) design is a crucial aspect of digital product development that directly impacts user satisfaction and business success. However, many websites and apps fall short due to common UX pitfalls. At WAVE Web Consulting, we've identified five key areas where UX often fails and how to rectify these issues effectively.

1. Responsive, Responsive, Responsive

Optimize for Mobile First

In today's digital age, mobile optimization is not just an option; it's a necessity. A staggering 99% of web interactions now occur on mobile devices at some point. If your site isn’t optimized for mobile, you're not only providing a subpar experience but likely driving potential customers away.

Breakpoints are Critical

Ensure your website maintains functionality across all devices and orientations. Users will find and exploit any weakness in your site's responsive design. Use flexible grids and media queries to keep everything looking sharp and functioning well, no matter the screen size.

2. Round Those Corners!

Finding the Sweet Spot

Border radius can significantly impact the visual appeal of your website. Applying a moderate border radius to elements can increase the perceived brand value by 25%. However, overdoing it can decrease the value by 20%. It’s all about balance.

Consult Experts for Precision

Finding the perfect border radius isn't always straightforward. Contact us at WAVE Web Consulting for expert advice on achieving the ideal look for your brand that aligns with contemporary design standards.

3. Videos Convert Like Crazy in Headers

Boost Engagement with Video

Replacing static images with videos in your website headers can dramatically increase user engagement and conversion rates. Videos capture attention quickly and can convey your message more dynamically than images.

Optimize Video Content

Ensure that videos are optimized for fast loading without sacrificing quality. Consider autoplay features with muted audio to engage users without disrupting their experience.

4. Stop Requiring Names for Signups

Simplify the Process

Asking for too much information during the signup process can deter potential users. Minimize the required fields to essentials like email addresses to lower barriers for user entry.

Focus on User Comfort

Users are more likely to sign up if the process is straightforward and non-intrusive. Once trust is built, they might be more willing to share additional information.

5. Get Things Moving

Subtle Animations Enhance Experience

Integrating subtle animations can significantly enhance the perceived value of your brand. Well-executed animations make your site feel more dynamic and alive.

Use Animations Wisely

Ensure that animations are smooth and serve a functional purpose. Avoid excessive or irrelevant animations that could distract from the user experience.


Avoiding these common UX pitfalls can significantly enhance your website's user experience, thereby increasing user retention, satisfaction, and conversion rates. If you're looking to improve your UX but aren't sure where to start, WAVE Web Consulting is here to help.

Let's Work Together!

Is your UX not performing as expected? At WAVE Web Consulting, we specialize in creating compelling, effective UX designs that drive results. Learn more about our offerings here or contact us to discuss how we can transform your digital experience.

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