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65 ChatGPT Prompts for Marketing

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In the fast-paced world of marketing, staying ahead means leveraging the latest technologies to your advantage. ChatGPT, an AI-driven platform, has emerged as a valuable tool for marketers seeking to enhance their strategies and content. Here are 65 ChatGPT prompts that can transform your marketing efforts, followed by tips to maximize their effectiveness.

65 ChatGPT Prompts for Marketing

  1. “List [number] ideas for blog posts about [topic].”
  2. “Write a minute-long advertisement script about [product, service, or company].”
  3. “Create a three-month social media campaign calendar for our product to [insert goal] and mention the channels we should focus on.”
  4. “List [number] viral Instagram Reels ideas about [company, product, or service].”
  5. “Generate [number] of viral TikTok ideas about [company, product, or service].”
  6. “Create three call-to-action button ideas based on the contents of this blog post.” Then, paste in the content.
  7. “Create an advertising campaign about [company, product, or service] targeting [target audience]. Include key messages and slogans and choose the best media channels for promotions.”
  8. “Write [number] Google Ad headlines from [URL].”
  9. “List common challenges faced by [buyer persona description].”
  10. “List the key marketing segments in [industry]. Which segment has the biggest opportunity for our [company, group, organization, business]?”
  11. “Write marketing copy to make my marketing emails more engaging. The copy must be about our [product, service, or company].”
  12. “Write an email subject line convincing potential customers to switch our service.”
  13. “What are 10 main points crucial to marketers trying to acquire new customers?”
  14. “Generate an AIDA for [product or service].”
  15. “Write five tweets to generate interest in [product, company, or service].”
  16. “Write a promotional LinkedIn post about [product or service].”
  17. “Write three seconds of Facebook Ad copy about [product or service].”
  18. “Write a press release about our upcoming event. Include the event's date, time, location, and purpose.” Make sure to give ChatGPT the necessary details.
  19. “Generate five different YouTube descriptions for our video about [topic].”
  20. "Generate questions for a Facebook poll about [topic].”
  21. “What marketing channels have the highest ROI?”
  22. “List ways to market my brand on TikTok.”
  23. “How can influencer marketing generate leads?”
  24. “What marketing tactics should I leverage to reach my target audience.” Make sure to describe your target audience.
  25. “What marketing channels have the lowest ROI?”
  26. “This email is to [audience]. Please rewrite it with [another audience] in mind. Their pain points are [pain points.] Be sure to keep the tone similar.” Then, paste into the email.
  27. “Take this blog post and turn it into 10 Twitter posts and four LinkedIn posts.” Then, paste in the blog post.
  28. “Turn this LinkedIn post into an email to [audience].” Paste in post content.
  29. “How can I turn this blog post into an infographic. Please give me an outline.” Then, paste in the blog post content.
  30. “I’m writing an email about [topic] to [audience]. Give me five key talking points.”
  31. “I need to A/B test subject lines for this email. Give me 10 subject line ideas and 10 pre-headers.” Then, paste in the email.
  32. “What are the biggest pain points of [audience] in [industry]?”
  33. “I am a [title] in a [describe company] that sells [product/service type]. We market to [audience] whose pain points are [list pain points]. What objections are they likely to have?”
  34. “Give me 5 blog titles for a post about [insert subject] for [audience].”
  35. “Write a 30-second script for an explainer video about [product] that [what the product does.]”
  36. “Here’s a 30-second explainer video script for our [product] that [what the product does] for [audience type]. Please give me a list of some of the different shots or animations I should include.” Paste in the script.
  37. “Here’s our latest whitepaper. We primarily market using [channels]. Give me at least 15 ideas for how we can repurpose this and turn it into a multichannel campaign.” Then, upload the whitepaper.
  38. “We’re a [type of company] launching a new [what you’re launching] in three months and need to start building out the runway. Our audience is [describe audience]. Give me an outline for what we need to do for a successful launch.”
  39. “Here’s our launch outline. Please create a marketing calendar for the different stages and milestones we’ll need to reach.” Then, upload the launch outline.
  40. “We goofed. [Describe what happened.] Give me an outline for an email and social media posts to explain what happened, apologize, and share what we’re doing to fix it.”
  41. “These are our three strategic priorities for this year [list them]. What are some KPIs to consider as we measure success?”
  42. “These are our three strategic priorities for this year [list them]. What tactics can we use to reach these goals?”
  43. “Here’s a transcript of me talking about my onboarding process. Please help me outline a document I can share with clients to communicate it to them.”
  44. “I’m creating a re-engagement campaign. Give me six ideas for emails I can send to re-engage people who haven’t opened an email in the last nine months.”
  45. “My company is known for [value prop]. Give me 10 blog post ideas that can communicate this to our audience.”
  46. “My company is known for [value prop]. What are four ways I can communicate this expertise in our proposals?”
  47. “Most of my business comes from referrals. Help me create referral language I can give to past clients and referral partners that make it easy for them to send me business. I need three versions: 1. a single sentence; 2. an email; and 3. a social media post.”
  48. “I need to get more reviews. Please help me create a campaign that asks clients for referrals.”
  49. “Help me write a script for a 30-minute workshop on what parents need to know about helping their kids get scholarships.”
  50. “Here’s my script for my upcoming training. Help me turn it into a checklist I can use as a free giveaway.” Then, upload the script.
  51. “Here are the five key takeaways for this webinar I’m teaching. [List the takeaways.] Help me turn it into a marketing outline to get people to come to the webinar.”
  52. “I need to create a sales sequence for the people who attend my webinar. Please give me an outline for those emails so I can convert them.”
  53. “Give me six headline ideas for a landing page about [product name] for [audience].”
  54. “Write a conclusion for my blog post.” Then, paste in the blog post.
  55. “Help me write a creative brief for developing a new logo so I can hand it over to my designer.”
  56. “Here’s a transcript from a recent call about client experience. Please use it to outline two blog posts: one focused on benefits to clients, the other focused on teaching other people in my industry about the importance of building a client experience.” Upload the transcript.
  57. “What’s another way to say “feeling the pressure”? Give me email subject lines for [audience] that speak to those pain points.”
  58. “Help me plan a photo and video shoot for a hot tub and sauna company that emphasizes the lifestyle.”
  59. “Help me write an email to potential clients that draws parallels between March Madness and home building and urges them to contact us for a consult.”
  60. “Give me some playful marketing language for a May email and social media campaign for a gardening store that’s tied into seasonality. I’d like five campaign ideas.”
  61. “I’m creating a new coaching offer targeted to online businesses. Here are details on the program [insert details]. Please give me 10 name and tagline ideas.”
  62. “We’re closing our showroom for a few weeks due to a family medical emergency. Please give me some copy for emails, a door sign, and social media posts to communicate this.”
  63. “Here are our current mission and values statements [insert statements]. Help me develop four ideas for messaging I can use to bring this into our marketing campaigns and operational communications.”
  64. “You’re an HR professional stressing out about employee turnover who feels like you’re going through the motions. What are 10 of your biggest pain points?”
  65. “You often hear ‘it will calm down next week’ from your clients. What are 10 other things that busy and burned-out people might say? Please also outline how a [describe your company] can help them solve each of these problems.”

Tips for Maximizing the Effectiveness of These ChatGPT Prompts

  1. Understand What You Want: Be clear about your goals before using these prompts to ensure you get the desired output.
  2. Define the Job for ChatGPT: Provide a clear context and role for ChatGPT to help it generate the most relevant content.
  3. Provide Detailed Information: The more details you provide, the better ChatGPT can tailor its output to meet your needs.
  4. Be Specific: Use specific prompts to get precise and actionable results.
  5. Offer Constructive Feedback: Just like working with a human, providing constructive feedback helps refine the output.
  6. Verify the Facts: Always double-check any facts or statistics provided by ChatGPT.


Harnessing the power of AI through these ChatGPT prompts can significantly enhance your marketing efforts. From content creation to strategic planning, the potential is limitless. Remember, the key to success lies in clear communication and a detailed approach.

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