The Wave.

The Top Web Strategies Small Businesses Should Invest in for 2024

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What are we talking about here?

For small to medium businesses, embracing modern web technologies is not just about keeping pace — it's about leading the charge in a digital-first world. As we approach 2024, certain strategic investments in technology stand out for their ability to significantly elevate a business's online presence. This post will focus on the critical web strategies that small businesses should consider to stay competitive and thrive in the evolving digital landscape.

Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots

Tailoring AI to Your Business Needs

The evolution of AI in business has taken a leap forward with the ability to create custom GPT models. This innovation allows businesses to tailor AI to their specific needs and contexts.

OpenAI's Custom Solutions

Platforms like OpenAI now offer the possibility to train custom versions of GPT tailored to the unique data and requirements of a business. This means that the AI can be fine-tuned to understand and respond to industry-specific queries, use business-specific jargon, and adhere to company communication styles.

Enhancing Customer and Employee Experiences

Custom GPT models can significantly enhance both customer and employee experiences. For customers, they provide more accurate and relevant interactions. For employees, they can serve as powerful tools for internal knowledge bases, helping staff access company-specific information quickly and efficiently.

Streamlining Operations

The integration of a custom GPT model into business operations streamlines processes, reduces response times, and ensures a high level of accuracy in automated interactions. It's a step towards more intelligent and adaptive AI solutions in the business world.

API-First Design and Microservices: Crafting Flexible and Scalable Web Solutions

Embracing the API-First Approach

API-first design allows your platform or web presence to be easily connected into the vast suite of solutions available for things like CRM management and even Sales Platforms. Learn more about the API-first approach on

The Rise of Microservices

Coupled with the API-first design is the shift towards microservices architecture. Instead of integrating with a dinosaur of the industry trying to solve all your problems in one platform; Microservies seek to solve your problems one-by-one allowing for a more agile solution architecture. For a deeper understanding of microservices, visit DreamFactory's blog.

Benefits for Small Businesses

Small businesses can leverage these technologies to build in-house proprietary web apps tailored to their specific needs. API-first design ensures that these apps can easily integrate with various systems and platforms, enhancing overall business operations. Microservices allow for the development of highly customizable and scalable solutions, perfect for businesses that need to adapt quickly to market changes or specific customer needs.

Implementing API-First and Microservices

To adopt an API-first and microservices approach, businesses should focus on collaborating with stakeholders, identifying key pain points and bringing in talent to solve these problems. For practical steps on implementing this approach, refer to Postman's guide.

Mobile-First Design: Prioritizing the Mobile Experience

Embracing the Shift to Mobile

With the increasing use of smartphones for web browsing, a mobile-first design approach is essential. This approach involves designing for the smallest screen first and then scaling up, ensuring websites are optimized for mobile users.

The Importance of Mobile Responsiveness

Mobile-first design is critical because it caters to the primary way users access the internet. It's not just about shrinking a desktop site to fit a mobile screen; it's about rethinking the design process to prioritize mobile interactions.

Key Practices for Mobile-First Design

  1. Prioritize Content: Focus on displaying the most crucial information on mobile screens. Content should be concise and easily navigable.

  2. Intuitive Navigation: Implement navigation that is easy to use on smaller screens. Features like hamburger menus are popular for condensing extensive menus.

  3. Optimize for Performance: Mobile sites should load quickly and efficiently. This includes compressing images and minimizing code.

  4. Responsive Design: Use responsive web design to ensure your site adapts to any screen size. This involves flexible layouts and images.

  5. Test and Refine: Regularly test your mobile site on actual devices to ensure optimal performance and user experience. Use tools like BrowserStack for comprehensive testing across different devices.

  6. Avoid Disruptive Elements: Minimize the use of pop-ups and other disruptive elements that can hinder the mobile experience.

  7. Consistent and Visible CTAs: Ensure that calls to action are clear and easily accessible across all devices.

Tools for Mobile-First Design

Utilize tools like Google's Mobile-Friendly Test to evaluate your site's mobile usability and PageSpeed Insights for performance analysis. These tools plus frequent Lighthouse testing provide actionable insights to improve mobile user experience.

The Role of Content Management Systems in Scalability

Traditional CMS: User-Friendly and Integral for Growth

  • Ease of Use: Traditional CMS platforms like WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla offer user-friendly interfaces with built-in themes and templates, essential for small businesses without extensive technical expertise.
  • Customization and Integration: These systems provide various customization options and integration capabilities with tools like Google Analytics or CRM systems, enhancing functionality (

Headless CMS: Offering Flexibility and Future-Proofing

  • Flexibility and Scalability: Headless CMS, such as Contentful or, decouples content management from the presentation layer, offering greater flexibility in delivering content across multiple platforms, crucial for businesses looking to scale (
  • Future-Proofing: By storing content separately, headless CMS ensures content is reusable and adaptable to future web technologies.
  • Enhanced Security: Headless CMS systems provide robust security features, essential for protecting sensitive business and customer data.

Considerations in Choosing the Right CMS

  • Business Needs and Goals: Assess if a traditional or headless CMS aligns better with your business objectives and digital strategy.
  • Technical Expertise: Consider your team's technical expertise level. Headless CMS solutions may require more technical knowledge compared to traditional CMS.
  • Budget: Evaluate your budget for initial setup and ongoing maintenance. Headless CMS might have higher upfront costs but can offer long-term savings due to scalability.

Conclusion: Empowering Your Business Growth with WAVE

At WAVE Consulting, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities that small businesses face in the digital landscape. Let us aid you in setting the stage for sustainable growth, digital innovation, and long-term success in an ever-evolving digital world.

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