Website Performance Optimization

Speeding up your website for better user experience and SEO, see CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) for extended support

Starting At:

$750 for a one-time optimization

Adjustments may be made based on scope

What's Included:

  • Comprehensive website speed audit.
  • Image and code optimization.
  • Implementation of caching solutions.
  • Minification of CSS, JavaScript, and HTML.

Potential Increases in Scope:

  • Ongoing performance monitoring and optimization.
  • CDN setup and management.
  • Advanced database optimization.
  • Regular technical updates and patches.

Meet the Team:

Team Member - Luke Flaherty

Luke Flaherty

Managing Partner

Team Member - Jake Flaherty

Jake Flaherty

Ads Management Partner

Contact Us

Got a technical issue? Want to beef up your operations procedure? Need advisement on a business plan? Let us know.